Monday, October 27, 2014

Something about Internet Technology

When you enter a web address or click a Hyperlink , you spark a series of events . First you tell you’re your browser which document you want to view . Then browser contacts the computer storing the document . After the computer is located , the browser  downloads the document to your computer . In other words , the browser  copies and transfer the web page data from the computer storing web page to your computer , The browser then interprets the data and displays the web page on your screen .
It is easy to create a web page today . In addition to web page creation program such as Microsoft front page , many other programs including Microsoft words , allow you to type information just as you would if you were writing a letter of document , add pictures or sounds and then save the file in HTML  file format . The HTML file contains special codes that tell the browser how to display the words or images you have added to the page . 

What is a web site ?

# Files in HTML format are often called Web Pages because they are in the pages you view as you move about the internet. The browser also opens the next page you’ve selected when you click linked text on the web page . A Web site is simply a collection of  related web pages .

Sunday, September 21, 2014

What is a “ browser “ ?

Browser :
A browser is a program that displays files that are in the HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language ) file format (in contrast to doc files or .txt files that you view in your word processing program )
. The files can be located on the world wide web on your own computer .

Thursday, August 21, 2014

What is the difference between internet and world wide web (www) ?

Internet Technology :
Difference between internet and world wide web (WWW):
The internet is a network of computers , cables , routers and other hardware and software that inter connect and run on a network . The world wide web consists of documents that are transmitted across the Internets hardware . The web documents that are transmitted  across sites . A web page is specially formatted document that can include text , graphics , hyperlinks , audio animation and video . A web site is a collection of web pages .
Information comes in many forms on the internet . To travel the internet and read , view or listen to the sights and sounds , you need a program called a browser .

What is “ALOHA net “ ?

Internet Technology :
ALOHA net :
ALOHA net was a radio network designed to allow computers in the Hawaiian Islands to communicate with each other . It was developed by Norman Abramson , a professor of Hawaii and a surfing (on real waves , not a internet ) enthusiasts . ALOHA net was a built on the idea of retransmitting packets after a small random interval if there is a collision on the network This is the basic idea used in the internet .

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What is “Bandwidth” ?

Internet Technology :
Bandwidth :
When talking about computer networks , bandwidth refers to the bandwidth refers  to the capacity of the network . Bandwidth is often measured in the kilobits per second (kbps) , megabits per second (mbps) , or gigabits per seconds (Gbps) . The terms broadband , narrowband ,and midband are often used to describe the Bandwidth . These are not precisely defined , except in ordinal  sense and actual bandwidth associated with these terms in changing rapidly over time as network capacity increases . We will define broadband as at least 10Mbps , midband as 1-10 Mbps , and narrowband as less than 1Mbps .

How Ethernet helps to connected a computer into the network?

Internet Technology :
Connecting Ethernet : 
A very important LAN technology is Ethernet .This technology was developed by Robert Metcalfe and David Boggs at Xerox PARC . With Ethernet any computer on network can send data packers to any other computer on the network . However ,no two computers can “talk on the line “ at the same time there is a “collision” . Ethernet is a technology for handling these collisions and retransmitting the packets . When a collision occurs the packets are retransmitted after a very small random interval . Ethernet is a very effective protocol and it is easy to connect a computer into the network .